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Monday, December 17, 2012

10 incurable diseases [Part 6]

8. Asthma

10 incurable diseases - Asthma is a chronic disorder of the lungs that obstruct the flow of oxygen and causing the patient difficulty breathing, coughing, tightness, and lead to death. Some of the causes of asthma are usually dust, animal dander particular, pollen, pollution, smoking, air temperature, medications, and exercise.

Although asthma can strike anyone, most sufferers are children aged 10 years and under. Boys are more commonly affected than females asthma. While in adults, the risk of asthma men and women equally. Another commonality of asthma in children and adults is no medicine that cures the disease.

9. Cancer

Cancer is caused by cell growth which can not be controlled in the body. The most common cancer in men are prostate, lung, and colon. While in women, there are breast cancer, lung, and colon that haunt them.

Advances in technology to date has successfully led researchers to understand what actually happens with cancer cells and how a person develops cancer. But unfortunately, the new prevention, diagnosis, and treatment can be done. For drugs, has not been found most effective method to fight this disease.

10. Cold

Colds are viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes also spread to the lower structures and cause eye infection or middle ear.

Colds usually begin with fever. Indeed, there has been a drug to relieve symptoms of fever and nasal congestion experienced by patients. But to completely recover from the flu, there is no drug that did it. The proof, a person can be exposed to colds many times. Heal was due to antibodies in the man himself who managed to beat the common cold virus infection.

Flu different from the cold despite both attacks the respiratory tract. The difference is, there are more than 200 viruses that cause colds while there are a few that lead to flu. That is the reason why there is a vaccine for influenza but not for colds. Symptoms were often the same, but a lot of people are pretty hard to tell the difference.

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