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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Travel Health in Indonesia [Part 1]

Travel Health in Indonesia - Travelling does not only mean visiting family recreation. Visiting hospital quality can be the right choice in travel. Countries that currently a favorite spot is the South Korean medical tourism for cosmetic surgery, Thailand for dental beauty, and China for organ transplants.

The population of Indonesia recorded travel health advice as much as 600 thousand people each year. In addition, half of the patients in Singapore are Indonesian.

Doing treatment abroad would cost a lot. As more and more residents of Indonesia's economy is in a class above, causing more and more of this type of travel demand. Trends go to another country has now become a lifestyle in Indonesia, as a result, Indonesia has now lost $ 20 trillion annually.

To prevent the increasing number of foreign country disappears, the Indonesian government is now initiated a concept of health tourism, so that the people of Indonesia who seek treatment abroad has not increased much.

This step is very late, however, the cooperation fostered by the Indonesian Ministry of Health with the Ministry of Tourism is expected to race with time so that it can bring many locals or foreigners who seek treatment in Indonesia. The Indonesian government will offer bundled packages where the Ministry of Health to take care of the affairs of quality health care, while the Ministry of Tourism to prepare a suitable tourist destination for health services offered.


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