Ulcer Disease is excess levels of stomach acid causing a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach. This is often caused by eating fatty foods or by drinking too much alcohol.
This condition causes stomach produce extra acid, which cause discomfort (feeling of fullness, obstruction) in the central part of the stomach or chest. Some people confuse a burning sensation in the gut is a cardiac disorder.
Excess stomach acid protracted or repeated a warning sign for stomach ulcers or intestine. Stomach or intestinal ulcers is itself a chronic wound in the stomach or small intestine.
This disease can be detected in the presence of a chronic pain dang sometimes stab in the gut. Often the pain is reduced after the patient to eat or drink milk. But if the patient is too late to eat 2 or 3 hours, eating fatty and spicy foods, or drinking alcohol, pain attacks will escalate.
A. The cause of stomach ulcers:
Irregular eating patterns of unhealthy lifestyles, stress, and hours of sleep is not baikMerokok, drink coffee in a large dose and repeated-alcoholic beverages ulang.Meminum
B. Prevention and Treatment
Eat foods that heal and do not consume foods that interfere with these ulcers.
A. Foods that heal ulcers
* Drink two glasses of water before and after meals. Drink a lot throughout the day.
* Cheese, coconut milk (rum), oatmeal, bananas
2. Food that is not harmful
* Boiled Eggs, biscuits, boiled potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, bananas that are ripe
3. Foods that make ulcers worse
* Alcohol, coffee, tobacco, and chili pepper, fatty foods, carbonated drinks.
A. Public opinion which said that milk is one of the best medicine for gastric ulcers is slowly becoming obsolete. Indeed the research said that if the milk will increase production of stomach acid and worsen gastric ulcers disease.
2. Do not take certain medications such as tablets Fe (iron), aspirin, corticosterroid, even antacid such as sodium bicarbonate because only ease the pain for a while. The rest will stimulate more gastric acid secretion
3. The safest antacid medications are magnesium and aluminum hidroxida
It is important to immediately treat gastric ulcers. If this is allowed, would be more dangerous diseases such as bleeding and peritonitis. Gastric ulcers often improves if the patient is able to regulate his diet, lived to be more careful, avoid things that cause stress. Try to learn to live more relaxed course followed by the treatment that will prevent the recurrence of this disease.
C. Foods that can reduce ulcer pain:
* Not a food that is stimulating (spicy, sour, cold, sweet)
* Consumption of turmeric, ginger, bananas, stone, and honey, can reduce ulcer
* Dates
* Garlic lanang
* Potato puree
A. Fasting for Ulcer Patients
Is a man of ulcer disease can be fast? Often we hear the question. Sometimes the general opinion that fasting would cause someone will intensify its ulcer disease. In the opinion of medical experts, it turns out fasting can improve digestion and reduce heartburn.
As we know, there are two types of ulcer; mild ulcer and severe gastritis. For a person suffering from severe heartburn is not recommended for fasting. But for people with ulcers Ringa, fasting would help the healing process of ulcer disease.
In essence, an ulcer caused by irregular eating someone. Friction arising in the gastrointestinal tissues, causing stomach acid to rise. Fasting is a way to discipline yourself in terms of eating. By itself the body will be helped by the continuous intake and nutritious.
2. Things to do while fasting ulcer patients:
A. Choose foods that are fibrous, nutritious, and contain vitamins.
2. Drink water as much as the meal
3. Addition to taking supplements to increase body activity
4. During fasting, try to continue managing emotions. Because it is closely related to stress ulcer
Preventing gastric acid to avoid diseases of stomach acid, or often called heartburn. penyakit gastritis
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