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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Diseases that Threaten Fetus [Part 2]

3 Diseases that Threaten Fetus - Subsequent secondary prevention is prevention, by screening for the presence of virus in the body of the mother and husband before becoming pregnant in order to plan a pregnancy after treatment.

2. Gestational diabetes mellitus (DMG). It is a disease that pretty much causes of death in pregnant women, which is between 1.9 to 3.6 percent. DMG can cause complications such as hypertension, amniotic fluid very much, babies born very large.

DMG is a disease that impaired glucose intolerensi glucose metabolism, insulin is not formed during pregnancy. DMG has very high maternal blood sugar and lead to sugar intake for children is very low so that the child's blood sugar is too low. This causes reduced intelligence of children.

Prevention, is by every pregnant woman should eat according to your needs and to limit their intake of carbohydrates. Do not add too much carbohydrate consumption during pregnancy, the mother should also check their blood glucose levels regularly, and if they have impaired insulin, she should accept the addition of insulin.

3. Anemia, a deficiency disease the number of erythrocytes in the blood. Anemia in pregnant women can cause disability in children due to damage to the neural tube. To prevent anemia, pregnant women should eat healthy foods that contain iron and folic acid. The most important thing right composition and always eat fresh food.

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