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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dental Disease

Dental Disease - Problems oral hygiene is not just about appearance. Of disruption of the organ, there are implications for the health of the body lainnya.Seperti quoted Healthmeup, here are some of them.

1. Periodontal Disease. This disease is a health problem that attacks the gums. Initially, due to periodontal gingivitis that causes swollen gums, red solid, even to bleed.

2. Endocarditis. Diseases that attack the inside of the heart. This occurs because the bacteria that appear in the mouth which in turn carried by the flow of blood through small gum disease or bleeding gums.

3. If the bacteria in the mouth carried by the flow of blood to the heart, then the bacteria can cause various heart diseases such as blockage of arteries to the stroke.

4. Brain health also affects the health of your teeth and mouth. If allowed to happen in a long time, this will affect the memory loss caused by bacteria that have mastered the brain.

5. Not only due to the high levels of sugar in the blood, it turns out oral and dental problems can also cause diabetes. This is caused by the irritation of the mouth began that ultimately weakens the body's ability to manage blood sugar.

6. Women with gum disease have an increased risk of pregnancy complications two times greater than women who do not have a mouth problem. Complications can include premature birth and other.

7. Periodontal disease can cause respiratory illnesses like pneumonia worsened. This is most likely due to the number of bacteria carried to the lungs.

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