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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Australia Bans Cigarette Branding and Logo on Packaging [Part 2]

Australia Bans Cigarette Branding and Logo on Packaging - Prior to this, cigarette packaging is the only medium for tobacco companies to advertise itself. Since 1976, tobacco companies banned from advertising on television and radio Australia. Banning advertising media continues to newspapers and magazines in 1989. Cigarette companies are also prohibited from sponsoring sports and cultural events since 1992.

Regulation of plain packaging has long been a target of the Australian Government. The effort was led by Nicola Roxon, the health minister at the time, whose father, Jack, died of diseases caused by smoking when he was 10 years old. Government "State Kangaroo" was also determined to reduce the number of smokers from 16 percent in 2007 to less than 10 percent by 2018.

In May 2011, the board issued a study on cancer Australia plain packaging on cigarette packs. The results of the study showed that packs big role to persuade teens to try smoking.

Australian Government's decision was opposition from the tobacco industry. Consortium of major tobacco companies, such as Philip Morris, Imperial Tobacco and British American Tobaco (BAT), come together to make a plan against the decision. Scott McIntyre, a spokeswoman for BAT said that plain packaging has been misinterpreted. According to him, it will not stop the smokers because cigarette brands will still appear. In addition, the tobacco companies will also seek to remain competitive, partly by cutting prices.

Besides Australia, the UK, France, Norway, India, and New Zealand are also planning to apply the same strategy in reducing the number of smokers.

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