all of the diseases that exist in the human body and how to reduce the impact of illness and traditional ways to cure diseases, and diseases cause pain, disease causation, the best way to prevent disease and the best way to cure disease


Sunday, December 30, 2012


Lumbago - Back pain is one disease that is most often experienced by all people, especially those who are elderly. Almost everyone has experienced it. An estimated 80% of Americans have experienced these neurological diseases. Pain is also called Low back pain or lumbago is usually revolve around a stabbing pain and muscle stiffness / limitation of motion in the lower back area, or inability to stand upright. Sometimes, the pain can spread to other places of the body, such as the thighs and calves.

Most back pain is caused by trauma to the lower back or sepertisciatica disorders and arthritis. Trauma can be caused by a sports injury, work at home or in the garden, or a sudden jolt such as an accident or other stress on the spine.

Other causes that pengggunaan back muscles in activities that are not used to do, like lifting heavy furniture or doing work.

Tips Prevent Back Pain
- Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity.
- To reduce pressure on the spine, sleep on your side.
- Always sleep on the surface with sufficient density, not too soft.
- Do not lift heavy loads with bending.
- Lift objects by bending your knees and squatting. Avoid twisting while lifting.
- Maintain proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent excessive weight, especially fat around the waist.
- Stop smoking because the nicotine in cigarettes can reduce blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs degenerate.

There is no special diet for back pain, but you maintain the condition of your body by eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose foods that are low in saturated fat and sugar, as well as drink plenty of water. In addition, foods high in antioxidants (such as green leafy vegetables and fruits) can help fight inflammation. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, such as alcohol and tobacco.

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