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Monday, July 23, 2012

Pinched Nerve Disease

Pinched nerve was not something that is rarely experienced by many people. This condition is experienced by many people from various professions, hobbies and sports. A lot of office workers sitting, many workers who lift heavy weights, until the housewife. This is due to a variety of factors favor the occurrence of a pinched nerve or factors Hernia nucleus pulposus (HNP). Due to a variety of daily activities that occupy and seize concentration, sometimes painful symptoms that arise, such as back pain, pain in the leg (sciatica), or pain in the neck, tends to be ignored, until finally feels intrusive, then makes us wonder and worry .

The various factors that may favor the occurrence of a pinched nerve:
A. Trauma / Injury to the hip or spine.
Factor of this trauma can occur in one incident, such as sat down hard enough and can directly lead to the outbreak of the nucleus pulposus (gel on the disc / pads vertebrae) due to heavy pressure / shock along the spine when sitting down. On young people who have fallen like this, usually they will not feel pain at that moment, instead they tend to be straight up and do activities as usual. However, most cases occur, they will feel the symptoms of back pain many years later. Unlike the case when these injuries occur in older people. They will feel the pain in his side directly.

This is because due to differences in the elasticity of the nucleus pulposus (gel on the disc / pads vertebrae) itself. The nucleus pulposus consists of water and collagen, which has the strength and elasticity to withstand the loads in the vertebrae, as we stand and sit. In young children, the water content in the nucleus pulposus is still high, so it can withstand shock / pressure higher than in the elderly, who have undergone degeneration Pulposusnya Nucleus / decrease due to the moisture content has decreased (aging process).
2. Posture habits that are not true in a long time
The body posture is not good (arch) causing pressure on the spinal distribution is uneven, so that there are certain points on the vertebrae had a higher pressure than normal strength to withstand the pressure in the nucleus pulposus. Higher pressure for a long time can cause the nucleus pulposus had bulging, even broken. This can occur on the neck / cervical or waist / lumbar.

3. Disc Degeneration Disease (degenerative disc disease, DDD) or Disc Aging.
Disc or cushion the vertebrae can degenerate, thereby weakening the strength to be able to hold and evenly distribute the pressure on the spine. Disc degeneration or loss of quality can be caused by poor nutrition on the Disc, and also can be caused by the biochemical reaction between glucose and collagen in the disc. Some research also suggests there is a possibility DDD genetically connected with the family.

Poor nutrition on Disc
All cells in our bodies need good nutrition (protein, water, oxygen carried in the blood), to develop, duplicate and heal yourself. So is the case with the discs between the vertebrae. However, because the structure of the spine in such a way that no blood vessels that provide direct intake on Disc, and to the nucleus pulposus. Though the intake of these nutrients are essential for life and strength to perform its functions in the nucleus pulposus. Nutrition must take a longer route to get to the diffuse Disc Nucleus pulposus and feed. Without adequate nutrition, the cells in the nucleus pulposus will lose water content, and slowly degenerate. Long and difficult route taken by nutrients is also exacerbated by poor diet and nutrition. Alcohol, smoking and lack of drinking water is said to complicate the course of nutrients into the disc. So is the lack of light moving around the vertebrae. Therefore it is advisable to reduce tobacco and alcohol, drink plenty of water for hydration of the body, and a lot of exercise for the spine, thus helping the diffusion of nutrients into the disc. Exercise / movement of light around the spine can help nutrients penetrate the layers to get to their destination.

The process of biochemical reactions between glucose and collagen in the disc.
This process occurs naturally in the body between glucose and collagen in the disc. These biochemical reactions alter the structure of collagen becomes hard and sticky easier, so that the disc degeneration.

Heredity factors
Some research suggests there are factors that lead to inherited genetic family causing the DDD. This may occur due to factors such as the skeletal structure of collagen in the disc, the genetic influence in the blood circulation and metabolism Disc. There has been no definitive conclusion in this study, but be careful if many of your family members who suffered a pinched nerve. Always keep your posture, so it does not cause abnormal pressure on the vertebrae and cushions.

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