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Monday, August 6, 2012

Melterize Man's Heart Review - Should You Play Hard to Get? by Joycer Steelen

Playing "hard to get" is a common dating practice that many dating gurus advise when you are looking to find the right partner for a long-term, committed relationship. Many of the guidelines involve not initiating conversation with a man, pretending to be busier than you actually are, and not returning phone calls.

By contrast, some advice takes the extreme approach and suggests you pursue the man you are interested in by asking him out and laying your cards on the table upfront about "not wanting to waste time playing games" so you know "where you stand" during the first few dates.

Neither of these approaches will help you find the right man.

One of the biggest turnoffs to men is using dating exclusively as a means to an end - as if every guy is potentially "The One" who will become your soulmate and the father of your children.

Rather than have fun on dates, some women approach dating so seriously that their first date feels more like a job interview for the position of "boyfriend" in their life rather than a genuine attempt to get to know the man to see if he is a right fit.

These women "test" every man they date to see how he reacts when they play "hard to get." If you make it virtually impossible to see you, will he make more of an effort to win you over?

The truth is that yes, in general, men prefer women who have a fun, fulfilling life without them. They want to find a woman who isn't clingy and doesn't sit by the phone waiting for them to call because she is so busy enjoying her life. They want to be the pursuers because when the woman is initiating all the interactions, it screams of desperation and lack of options.

Yet if you are deliberately trying to manipulate and "test" a man to see if he is really into you, he will quickly see through your act.

So what should you do?

The key to attracting quality men is to be your real, authentic self.

Don't pursue him. Don't be constantly available. But don't fake being busy or letting his phone calls go to voicemail to give the "right impression."

You can't manipulate a man into giving you what you want - a "serious relationship" - because that will only set you up for failure down the road. You can't sustain game-playing long-term. Eventually, he will see you aren't the woman you first appeared to be and he will wonder what happened. Was it all a lie?

So, before you take any action with a man such as calling him up, texting, or asking him out, ask yourself: what is my motivation?

If your motivation is fear-based, such as you are afraid he is losing interest or might leave if you don't pressure him to commit, don't take that action!

Instead, shift your attention to you and your life. Focus your attention around hobbies and activities you are passionate about so you do have that fulfilling life regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship.

This takes the focus off finding that "perfect" relationship and doing all the things you think you "should" do to be the "perfect" girlfriend because you are no longer looking for a relationship to "complete" you. You are already complete.

A man won't fill the missing pieces of your life. It is your responsibility to build an exciting, fulfilling life, which will, in turn, help you attract the kind of quality man you are looking for.

Based on the research conducted for my review, I have concluded that Melterize Man's Heart does work as stated. Melterize Man's Heart is one of the most popular relationship books for women available online on these days. The main focus in the book is on the differences between men and women and how you, as a female, can use your feminine strength to finally understand men and to make them fall in love with you.

Another great thing about Melterize Man's Heart is that all the concepts inside this book are presented in an extremely organized and professional manner, making it a very user-friendly guide. Overall, Melterize Man's Heart is a very useful guide and whether you are a single woman who is looking for the right strategies to get the man you love, woman who wants to fix a broken marriage or simply a woman who is frustrated about dating the wrong guys, there is a very good chance that Melterize Man's Heart book will be very helpful for you.

About the Author

For more in depth information, check out official Melterize Man's Heart site today. Melterize Man's Heart teaches women everything they need to know on how to attract men.

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