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Thursday, December 27, 2012

10 diseases caused by poor oral health [Part 1]

10 diseases caused by poor oral health - Maintaining oral health seems trivial. You may think that poor oral health can not only lead to tooth loss, and others. But make no mistake. Oral health problems can also be caused by a lot of other diseases, such as dilansirHealth me (17/12) below.

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease is a disease of the lower teeth, and gums. This condition usually begins with gingivitis causes swelling of the gums, bleeding, and red. If not treated quickly, can exacerbate the disease and damage to gum tissue and bone that supports the teeth.

2. Endocarditis

Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner heart. Inflammation caused by bacteria that appear in the mouth. Bacteria are transported by the flow of blood, gum disease or bleeding gums small.

3. Heart disease

It is also linked to heart disease and dental health you know. If the bacteria in the mouth carried in the blood flow to the heart, so that it may result in bacteria and various types of heart diseases, such as clogged arteries and stroke.

4. Decreased memory

Poor oral health affects not only the heart, but also the health of the brain. Can poor dental health and prevent constriction of the arteries of the brain. Can the arteries under the control of bacteria cause dementia or memory loss.


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