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Monday, December 17, 2012

10 incurable diseases [Part 1]

10 incurable diseases - Modern treatment methods have contributed a lot in curing patients suffering from certain diseases. But unfortunately there is also a disease that is still incurable today. One is a disease that is often taken lightly by the people, ie fever.

Here, at least ten diseases can not be cured until this moment. Check out the list as quoted from Listverse.

1. Ebola

Ebola is a virus of the family Filoviridae that causes severe fever and bleeding. This virus attacks the primates, such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. The risk of death from Ebola virus in humans even reached 50-90 per cent.

This virus name actually comes from the Ebola River in the north of Congo, Africa, the first time in 1976. Ebola Marburg virus is closely related to that found in 1967 that led to an epidemic of disease in humans. There is also the Ebola Reston virus that attacks monkeys in Virginia, but not so fatal effects on humans.

2. Polio

Polio or paralysis polomyelitis is attacking kids. Polio is an acute disease caused by a viral infection that attacks the nervous system. Symptoms of polio usually begins with fever, headache, nausea, weakness, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and usually followed by paralysis of certain body parts. Most polio cases found in children under the age of five.


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