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Monday, December 17, 2012

6 Bad Effects of Global Warming for Health [Part 2]

3. Extreme natural events

6 Bad Effects of Global Warming for Health - Global warming may increase the occurrence of extreme natural events, such as floods and hurricanes, tsunamis that propagate mortality. In addition to increasing extreme natural events, the more people homeless. This makes the immune system is usually weak and susceptible to disease.

4. Drought

Climate change makes droughts more hot and dry and drought more common. In fact one of the elements of water are important to support health. With reduced water, then there is health problems. Water is also useful for agricultural produce food. Due to drought, food production difficult and causing impaired health.

5. Growth of bacteria

Global warming may also increase the growth of harmful bacteria in the ocean. Dust blown from land into the ocean increases levels of iron to the ocean and make the bacteria multiply more fertile. A study at the American Association for the Advancement of Science said dust fueled the growth of vibrio, the marine bacteria that cause gastroenteritis and infectious diseases in humans.

5. Spread of disease

Increased heat and rainfall caused climate change is making the disease easier to spread. Primarily a disease caused by bacteria that bertumbuhannya influenced the weather and temperature. As with malaria, more likely to spread to new areas triggered by rising temperatures. Rainfall is also suspected as a factor causing waterborne diseases easily spread. Primarily a disease carried by insects.

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