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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Arrange the House bill to the Health Protection Toddlers Cigarette Addiction [Part 1]

Arrange the House bill to the Health Protection Toddlers Cigarette Addiction - The Ministry of Health will soon ratify the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control / FCTC) and approve the Draft Regulation on the Control of Tobacco Products Impact (RPP Tobacco). Following the move of the government, parliament will draft bill on the protection of public health from the dangers of smoking.

"1945 Constitution states that the protection of the people it is the duty of all citizens. This law must be born because the title of the Law on Protection of People's Health Hazards smoking, "said a member of the House of Representatives Commission IX, Subagyo Partodiharjo the seminar 'Cigarette Consumption Control and Right to Health' in Jakarta, recently.

Subagyo hope, within one month bill can already be submitted to the Legislation (Baleg). Currently, he said, the bill has only reached the stage of drafting and academic papers.

According to Subagyo, although containing public health protection, the law also regulates everything related to the protection. He pointed out that during this cigarette ads have a bad effect on children.

"For example, cigarette advertising. It should not be casually. If the ad is seen toddlers and young children Indonesia is not very good. Its content is not solely a medical formula, but also the formulation of social, "he added.


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