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Friday, December 21, 2012

Chronic Diseases Caused by Obesity

Chronic Diseases Caused by Obesity - Obesity is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Obesity is a major contributor to chronic disease. There are many links between obesity and chronic disease. A diet that is chaotic, unbalanced lifestyle plus supine exercise is a lethal combination. These chronic diseases caused by obesity, as quoted healthmeup.

Obesity is a chronic condition which is closely related to an increased risk of a number of degenerative diseases. Degenerative disease is a disease condition arising from the decline of the function of the cells that are owned by the body. Setbacks cell function can cause cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke by hypertension.

Fat in people with obesity plays an important role in increasing cholesterol in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is deposited in the blood vessels leading to the heart. Cholesterol will then block blood flow that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Obesity makes insulin produced by the pancreas can not work normally, the complications of obesity causes insulin-insulin is not able to help the body's cells to absorb glucose. Since insulin can not work effectively in helping the absorption of glucose, the pancreas will try to produce more insulin. If it lasts for long periods of time, then the performance of the pancreas to produce insulin will decrease, when the patient is susceptible to type II diabetes mellitus.

To avoid obesity that harm our bodies, then we have to maintain your diet and exercising regularly.

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