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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mental illness is a part of OCD

Mental illness is a part of OCD - Maybe in Indonesia, not many people know about Obsesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Believe it or not, actually OCD pretty much met. The disease is considered to be serious for people in America. Because in fact, the disease is diidap more than 10 million Americans. Apparently in the environment around us, these cases are also present.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disease that attacks the mental / soul. A person with the disease will experience an anxiety disorder chronic repetitive (obsessive) which is usually associated with a perfectionist attitude and behaviors that are often repeated (compulsive).

OCD is also categorized as tension and stress throughout the lifespan. This tension led to higher levels of their OCD and getting worse. If a person's level of OCD increased, causing them to suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD).

With obsessive-compulsive disorder, the patient may realize that the obsession does not make sense, and try to ignore or stop the obsession. But with so OCD sufferers feel uncomfortable, because the mind is constantly haunted by the feeling and reflection.

In the end these feelings led him to perform compulsive acts to get a sense of security.

Symptoms and Cause

Symptoms experienced by people with OCD like, perform repetitive actions, restless and anxious, with something like a symmetrical, have a great fear of germs and bacteria will, overcome stress by showing the same reaction had nothing to do with the problems facing stress .

OCD can be caused by heredity, or if he grew up in the neighborhood of people who have OCD, so he could potentially be OCD. Excessive stress can also lead to OCD, such as the death of significant others, but these are usually diidap by adults.

Types of OCD

OCD against germs, OCD on a recurring doubts, OCD towards perfection.

The way to handle it is to therapy. Usually treated with Cognitive Behavior Theraphy (CBT) assisted with Hypnotheraphy and relaxation. But hypnosis is not a good way to cope. Let the mind remains clean. Relaxing in the face of problems. Keep balance of mind, body and spirit.

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