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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Omega-3 Supplements Useful Apparently not Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Body Mass Index Can Predict Other Diseases [Part 1]

Omega-3 Supplements Useful Apparently not Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Body Mass Index Can Predict Other Diseases - During this omega 3 or fish oil is also called, is often believed to be a panacea to prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. However, recent research suggests that fish oil supplements are not at all useful for preventing cardiovascular disease in people who have had episodes of disorderly heartbeat.

Results of a study published the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, reveals, recent studies have caused many people disappointed because during this assumes that fish oil can help prevent heart disease.

"Omega 3 is not proven to prevent heart attacks," said Dr.. Dariush Mozaffarian, an omega-3 from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Although useless, says Dariush, consumption of Omega 3 as a dietary supplement, does not cause harmful effects.

Body Mass Index or BMI during this often used as an indicator of obesity risk. But lately, scientists have suggested that BMI is also a pretty accurate detection tool for predicting the risk of metabolic syndrome diseases.

To that end, researchers have examined BMI data, the percentage of fat content, pingggang circumference, and waist-height ratio of the size of the body of 12 294 men and women. After that, the results of all these elements is calculated and how much relation to the metabolic syndrome.


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