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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Smoking can not be overcome stress and anxiety and Beware Offensive Sexually Transmitted Diseases [Part 1]

Smoking can not be overcome stress and anxiety and Beware Offensive Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Typically the smoker would argue the habit to relieve the stress and anxiety they feel. When in fact, smoking can not reduce the level of stress and anxiety as is claimed. Instead, quitting smoking can actually make a person more calm and not anxious.

It was discovered by researchers from several universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, and King's College, London. The study showed a decrease in anxiety and stress in 68 smokers who successfully stopped their habit after six months.

This effect is known to be greater in people with anxiety and mood disorders than people who smoke just for fun, as reported by the BBC.

Smokers who smoke just for fun not trying to replace their anxiety levels with a cigarette.

According to researchers, people who smoke to overcome anxiety indirectly have repeated them back a sense of anxiety when smoking. By quitting smoking, they will eliminate the habit of repeating the anxiety and feel calmer.

One of the venereal disease that often affects men is chlamydia. Sexually transmitted disease is caused by a bacterial infection. The initial symptoms are difficult to detect making the disease can easily spread.

Men who are sexually active can be at high risk of getting chlamydia. The disease is considered a silent disease or a disease that is difficult to detect early symptoms. Men infected with chlamydia may not show any symptoms and can transmit the bacteria to their sexual partners, so that dilansirLivestrong.


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