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Friday, January 4, 2013

Women Can Hit Vaginal Cancer After Menopause

Women Can Hit Vaginal Cancer After Menopause - No longer young age makes women had the name menopause (cessation of menstrual phase). However, women who have undergone menopause should be vigilant as to vaginal cancer.
The vagina is a tube that connects the mouth and cervix to the outside of the body. Cancer that attacks the vagina is usually found in the vaginal canal or on the wall of the vagina, as described by Fania Burhani Book Smart Miss V.

Generally, vaginal cancer in women who have entered menopause. Even so, that does not mean women are in the reproductive phase of the disease is not possible. Major risks faced by women who do not keep the vagina and the women who are sexually promiscuous.

The causes include menopause, smoking, women with cervical cancer, women who have sex with different partners, first intercourse at age teens (teenagers) and infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact , and cause cervical cancer and genital warts rahin.

Symptoms of vaginal cancer is the secretion of watery fluid from the vagina, a lump in the vagina, when the cancer is large can affect the function of the womb and urinary rektrum, so that patients have pain when urinating. Vaginal bleeding caused by damage to the lining of the vagina and form open sores can also be a symptom of this cancer.

How to avoid vaginal cancer is always keep the vagina. In addition, routine vaginal examination and treatment.

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