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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Impetigo Disease

Impetigo Disease

Impetigo is a skin infection that causes the formation of small blisters containing pus (pustules).

Impetigo most often affects children, especially the lack of cleanliness of body and can occur in any body part, but most often found on the face, arms and legs.
In adults, impetigo can occur after other skin diseases.
Impetigo may also occur after an upper respiratory tract infection (e.g. flu or other viral infections).


Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria.

Impetigo can occur after an injury or a condition that causes a tear in the skin (e.g. fungal infections, because the sun burns or insect bites).
Impetigo can also attack normal skin, especially on the limbs of children.


Impetigo begins as an open wound that causes itchy and blistered, remove the contents blister then dries and eventually form a scab.

Impetigo is a contagious disease, is transmitted by droplets from blister.

The amount of blisters varies, ranging from the size of a pea to the size of a large ring.
These blisters contain yellowish Carian accompanied by intense itching.

It could be swelling of lymph nodes around the infected area.

Bullous Impetigo


Diagnosis based on symptoms.

To ensure that the cause is staphylococcal or streptococcal, can be culture of infected tissue samples in the laboratory.


For mild infection, given an antibiotic ointment (e.g. erythromycin or dicloxacillin).
Antibiotics by mouth (swallowed) may speed healing.

To remove a scab, the skin should be washed with antibacterial soap several times / day.


Infection can be prevented by maintaining cleanliness and health of the body.
Minor scratches or abrasions should be washed with soap and water, if necessary, spread with anti-bacterial agent.

To prevent transmission:
# avoid contact with fluid from blisters on the skin
# Avoid sharing towels, razors or clothing with the patient
# always washes hands after handling the skin lesions.

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