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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Malaria Disease

Malaria disease is infectious disease that affects many people in the tropics and subtropics.

The disease was originally found in marshes and swamps thought to be caused by bad air, and became known as malaria (mal = bad; aria = air).

As the development of medical technology, the opinion was countered by a variety of cutting-edge data.

A. Causes of Malaria

1. Malaria is caused by germs that live on human blood. Seedling diseases include single-celled animals, classified as an amoeba called Plasmodium.
2. There are four types of plasmodium that causes malaria:
3. Falciparum, the cause of tropical malaria. This type of malaria can cause death.
4. Vivax, the cause of malaria tersiana. The disease is refractory and difficult relapse.
5. Malariae, the cause of malaria quartana. In Indonesia, the disease is not commonly found.
6. Ovale, causes ovale malaria. Not available in Indonesia.
7. Plasmodium work is damaging red blood cells. With the mosquito Anopheles intermediaries, plasodium manusian into the blood and proliferate by dividing.

B. Malaria Disease Transmission and Distribution

1. Transmission of malaria from the sick to healthy people, mostly through mosquito bites. Malaria germs in human blood can be sucked by mosquitoes, breed in the mosquito's body, and transmitted back to a healthy person is bitten by mosquitoes.
2. The types of vectors (intermediate) malaria, namely:
3. Sundaicus Anopheles, the mosquito intermediate malaria in coastal areas.
4. Aconitus Anopheles, the malaria mosquito intermediate rice fields.
5. Anopheles maculatus, intermediate malaria mosquito plantation areas, forests and mountains.
6. The other is the transmission through blood transfusion. But the likelihood is very small.

C. Signs of malaria

1. Starting with a cold and getting headaches. Patients with chills or shaking for 15 minutes to an hour.
2. Cold followed by a fever with a temperature of 40 degrees or more. People with weak, skin redness and menggigau. Serelah fever ended a few hours.
3. The patient began to sweat and the temperature decreases. After the attack ended, the patient felt weak, but the situation is not alarming.

D. The dangers of malaria:

1. The pain is excruciating the patient
2. The body is very weak, so it may not work as usual
3. Can cause death in children and infants
4. Brain development may be impaired in children and infants, resulting in ignorance.

E. Actions and Treatment:

1. Breaking the transmission chain by selecting the weakest link in the chain. The chain is a patient and malaria mosquitoes.
2. All patients who have signs of malaria were given preliminary treatment in order to relieve pain and prevent infection for 10 days.
3. For patients who tested positive after suffering from malaria were tested in the laboratory, will be the perfect treatment.
4. For people who will go into malaria-endemic areas such as the prospective migrants, should be given preventive medication.

F. Preventive measures:

A. Try sleeping with a mosquito net, giving the wire netting, using mosquito coils, spray the bedrooms, and other measures to prevent mosquitoes in the house.
2. Regular preventive treatment efforts, especially in malaria endemic areas.
3. Keeping the environment clean by cleaning the bedroom, the bushes around the house, a pool of water, and animal cages.
4. Increase the number of livestock such as cows, buffaloes, goats, rabbits by placing them outside the house near where mosquitoes lay eggs.
5. To keep the fish in stagnant water, such as ponds, paddy fields and ditches. Or by giving a little oil on stagnant water.
6. Planting rice in unison or alternated with dry or drying rice plants periodically
7. House spraying with DDT.

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