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Monday, December 17, 2012

Benefits of Reading to Your Health

Benefits of Reading to Your Health - Whether it's to increase knowledge or looking for entertainment, you should diligently read every day. Because it turns out reading on a daily basis has health benefits for the body, such as quoted from the following Quick Easy Fit.

Adding knowledge

Read a magazine or newspaper could increase your knowledge. Similarly, reading a novel. Although the story in it is only fiction, but at least there is always a lesson in it and you can pick.

Improve communication skills

Reading can add to the knowledge and information that occurred in the neighborhood until the newspaper world. You will better understand what is going on out there so do not be left behind when invited to talk to a friend or relative. Indirectly, the reading will improve your communication skills.

Improve mood

Reading novels, newspapers or textbooks can affect a person's emotions. Because you'll be more focused on one thing and forget the burden of various thoughts that cause stress. In the end, a bad mood will be better after reading.

Exercising the brain

Physical health needs to be maintained with diligent exercise. But do not forget the mental health as well. Therefore you should familiarize yourself to diligently read every day. Because the activity is a form of exercise on the brain to stay active and prevent you from the risk of dementia.

Closer to family

Try to regularly read fairy tales to children before they sleep. This habit is clearly able to get closer to your family. Children also must be happy if they listen to bedtime stories read to their parents.

That's the health benefits from reading on a daily basis. Do you always do that?

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