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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Belly’s Dangers [Part 1]

Big Belly’s Dangers - In Science kodokteran there is a disease known as Metabolic Syndrome, also known as syndrome X or prediabetes. Is a collection of symptoms of metabolic disorders that include central obesity or belly fat, hypertension, dislipidemi, and insulin resistance. If you experience this, your potential to experience complications of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is very high. If you have entered the stage of diabetes, the risk was greatly increased again.

Ensuring belly can be seen from the circle of your stomach. To measure waist circumference Westerners usually men over 100 cm, while women over 80 cm. For the people of Indonesia should be smaller. Or, if you want to know the size of your stomach is normal or not, gampangya, you just stand in front of the glass, and then from the side. Let your attention, if your stomach looks much more prominent than your chest, the size of your stomach is not normal anymore. Then, if your stomach like that, and 2 -3 other symptoms such as triglycerides over 150 mg / dl, HDL less than 40 mg / dl for men, 50 mg / dL for women, blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/85 mmHg , fasting blood sugar over 110 mg / dl, then according to WHO can say you have metabolic syndrome.


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