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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Belly’s Dangers [Part 2]

Big Belly’s Dangers - Dangerous disease, it can be seen from a study conducted on 1209 samples were followed for 11 years. In those who meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome, the risk of death has 3 to 5 times more likely to die from heart disease compared with the normal group or do not suffer from this syndrome. Patients also have a huge risk of suffering from diabetes mellitus separately. Many other studies have shown similar results.

Therefore, cases of metabolic syndrome is actually very alarming. In the United States, 1 in 5 adults suffer from this in 1994. Now more than 50 million Americans suffer from the syndrome Serikta. In Indonesia, the clinical pengalamaan I, too, many cases of stomach distended with a variety of other symptoms that come consultations. In the inpatient diseases associated with this syndrome also meet most of the room. Because so many cases, distended abdomen as an early sign that can be seen with the eye, it is not hard to see, both on the road, even in Senayan restaurant, or in your own home.

During this time, belly fat is still considered normal stuff, like no problem. In fact, some feel proud of the great belly, especially for men. I do not know for sure, maybe it has something to do with the assumption that a large belly, distended it has to do with the prosperity, stability, the wealth, and so on.


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