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Monday, December 17, 2012

Donor Fecal For Health [Part 3]

Donor Fecal For Health - "I received treatment for C. diff relapse abroad but very quickly after a first course of antibiotics. Poison had entered into my blood stream. I'm getting worse from day to day."

"I was desperate and started googling and found a digestive disease centers in Australia. FMT is not available in my place. Professor Borody I called on Monday and immediately boarded the plane. Monday and Tuesday I underwent transplantation".

"I just need two days to recover, but I feel much better. Was incredible," he said.

Prof Borody said, patients who underwent treatment with C.diff is 95 percent recovery rate. With multiple treatments, the recovery can be 100 percent.

If FMT is so successful, why are not widely available.

"It's similar to any new theory or practice when it was introduced, it is very difficult to make an old dog learn new tricks".

"If you talk to people suffering from C. diff, they do not care about other people having feces on their bodies - they just want a treatment that works, whatever it is that will eliminate their problems," he said.

"Once you relapse and you know antibiotics will not control C. diff, it's like the devil," said Borody patients.

"This superbug, which takes over your life.'s Certainly disrupt your physical health, but mental and emotional health were affected".

Clostridium difficile is an intestinal infection associated with the use of antibiotics, the body suffers as well as life-threatening diarrhea.

C. diff more common in the elderly, the pregnant women, and in people who have recently used antibiotics. However, not everyone is in contact with the bacteria that can make us sick.

C. diff only in people who have a flora (bacteria) that normally complete gut thanks to antibiotics, so that fecal transplants can be very effective.

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