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Monday, December 17, 2012

Donor Fecal For Health [Part 2]

Donor Fecal For Health - Transplantation is used to treat conditions such as inflammatory bowel berbakteri bowel, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Clostridium difficile, or C. diff - infection that causes diarrhea so severe that it kills thousands of people every year.

Tests are also being conducted in Europe to see the FMT can be used for much less. This method is considered effective in treating metabolic problems, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and neurological conditions including Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's.

"Contrary to popular belief, the stool does not have garbage in them - it's just a mass of good bacteria," said Prof Borody.

"The bacteria that go bad and kill the bacteria recolonising your gut, restore balance to your body and leads to the resolution of your symptoms," said Prof Borody, who carried one to six transplants in a week at Five Dock clinic.

Prof. Borody has made people fly away from Paris to undergo a fecal transplant.

Many patients suffering from C. diff experience recurrent diarrhea for years, but recovered in a few days.

"I was diagnosed with C. diff about two months ago after staying in the hospital, I underwent two courses of antibiotics for mild infections," said Prof Borody a patient, who flew to Sydney especially for FM.

"I received treatment for C. diff relapse abroad but very quickly after a first course of antibiotics. Poison had entered into my blood stream. I'm getting worse from day to day."


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