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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hermaphrodite Not Curse

Hermaphrodite Not Curse - There is a glimmer of hope for Dea Rev. Saputri, 8 years. He is a child who is thought to have abnormalities in the genitals. Dea allegedly bisexual. The disorder is already there in him since he was born. Based on the results of the examination at the hospital, including ultrasound, and blood tests rontgent, Dea known androgynous women. However, at the top of the vagina, there are kids that resembled a small piece of meat cock.

dr said Nurrachmat Mulianto MSc SpKK venereal disease congenital abnormality called hermaphrodites. That was a body there are two sexes could arise. According Nurrachmat, the emergence of two sex that occurs when the baby is still in the fetus. When entering the age of 13 weeks the formation of organs is stimulated by the hormone androgen [male] and ekstrogen [women]. Two genitals arises because there is an imbalance of hormones.

"The disease congenital genital abnormalities is rare, one in a thousand. To handle special actions must be sent to the surgery, "said Nurrachmat.

Some of the causes of congenital genital abnormalities are three. First, the development of the sexual organs because of hormonal imbalance. Second, the presence of genetic abnormalities. Third, environmental factors such as living in the factories, the effects of chemicals and drugs.

Dermatologist and dr sex Moewardi, Prasetyadi Mawardi, said genital abnormalities congenital birth of many kinds. Among women who had a micropenis and asesoria. "The disorder is a disorder of growth. It was not anything dangerous but can interfere with performance and can lead to lack of confidence, "he added.

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