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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Space Disease and Blue Cheese [Part 1]

Space Disease and Blue Cheese - Going into space is a new alternative to travel. But what would happen if the activity actually cause disease?

Researchers have conducted a survey to gauge the danger of flying into space that could worsen one's condition, As reported by Huftington Post (16/12). The results of a recent survey said that a number of diseases can arise in space. The disease varies as drunk, headache, sinus, to osteoporosis and cancer.

Of course, the prospective tourists need to be aware of this. Especially for those who already have a congenital disease before heading into space.

Keep in mind that the astronauts who've chosen to go into space must perform a series of tests before they are declared ready. The test will also include a health and fitness tests. So it's not just anyone who can go into space.
However, the birth of this type it will loosen the health standards. Moreover, another study says that 13 thousand people will go into space in the next 10 years.

Meanwhile, Blue cheese or roquefort cheese looks really ugly. Soft, slightly lumpy, with turquoise texture spread sharp aroma. However, it turns ugly cheese is nutritious great for the heart.

Blue cheese has a pungent aroma with clotted smooth texture. It was delicious savory and tender. Because moldy, blue-green surface. Cheese is also covered with bacteria Penicilium roqueforti


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