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Monday, December 17, 2012

Unwanted Pregnancy Threatens Women's Health [Part 1]

Unwanted Pregnancy Threatens Women's Health - Pregnancy should be a separate gift for the couple concerned. But in fact, it is not uncommon pregnancy in some women it becomes a threat to the health of their own. Why?

Many women have difficulty reaching the pregnancy, and often much too easy to achieve pregnancy. In some cases, many women easily achieve pregnancy, even when they do not want it. In Indonesia, many such cases occur, especially in women at younger ages that are psychologically not ready to accept the presence of the baby.

One area that has a young pregnancy cases are high enough in Central Lombok and Gunungkidul. Based on the results of the Women Research Institute (WRI), the fundamental problems faced by adolescents Gunungkidul is a lack of information, knowledge and understanding of adolescents about their sexual reproductive health. These factors lead teens having sex at a very young age, the risk of any unwanted pregnancy. In the end, they were forced to perform marriage at an early age.

This is evident from the data request to the Office of the dispensation to marry Gunungkidul Religious Court in 2010 there were 80 weddings and wedding then increased to 145 in 2011 (data Gunungkidul Religious Courts Office, 2012). Age dispensation married couples who filed ranged from 16 to 21 years.


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