Diabetes Signs Emerging in the Neck - Have you ever seen such a black spot around the back of the neck, or on the armpits? Apparently such as dirt, but it's not dirt.
"Many people thought it was dirt patches. Achantonis nigricans But it is," said Bhakti Pulungan Dr.Aman, Sp.A (K) in the discussion Danger Additional sugar intake and "Impact on Children's Health and Concentration" Fonterra Indonesia mat at Hotel Mulia , Jakarta.
Dr.Aman explained, one of the triggers of acanthosis nigricans (AN) is commonly associated insulin resistance as penyabab obesity and diabetes. Insulin resistance caused by high levels of insulin can activate dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes through insulin receptors that exist in these cells.
As a result there was an increase in the deposition glikosaminoglikans by dermal fibroblasts. This causes papillomatosis (warts) and hyperkeratosis, as occurs thickening or hardening of the skin that is not normal.
"This could be indaktor obesity and diabetestipe 2 in children and adults," he said.
For additional information, quoting from the journal "acanthosis nigricans and Its Relationship to Insulin Resistance in Children and Adolescents" by Jose RL Coal from the Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, AN is divided into two major categories, namely benign (benign ) and malignant (malignant). The prevalence of AN varies from 7% in the general population to 74% in people with obesity.
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