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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Heart-Liver Disease Glaucoma

Heart-Liver Disease Glaucoma - Maybe some of you have felt pain in the eyes. Be careful, it could be a symptom of glaucoma. Why?
Stabbing pain or pain in the eye is a sign that your disease glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that can cause blindness. As was said dr. R. Mohammed Ramadian, eye specialist says, glaucoma due to channel fluid out of the eye so that the eye is hampered expands and presses the optic nerve behind the eye. As a result, the optic nerve does not get the blood flow so that the optic nerve will die (blindness).

Pain in the eye, judged, a positive sign of glaucoma.

"A sign of pain in the eye is good, a lot of people who do not experience pain in your eyes suddenly stricken with blindness," he said.

Dr. Ramdani also added, not all glaucoma sufferers feel pain in their eyes. Early symptoms of glaucoma are the black fringe in sight (as seen in binoculars). Early symptoms also resulted in a point ketidakfokusan seen people with glaucoma. The point that small can be big and irregular. If you experience this kind of thing is expected to dr. Ramdani immediately see the eye doctor.

"If the symptom is felt, should quickly see the eye doctor. Before too late, "he concluded.

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