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Sunday, January 6, 2013

How To Not Infected Disease When Trumpets Blow

How To Not Infected Disease When Trumpets Blow - Blow the trumpet in the New Year's Eve is fun, especially if you do busy-busy with friends and relatives. But beware, there is a risk of transmitting germs while blowing trumpets. How to protect ourselves from contracting the disease?

Some people suggest to always wipe the tip of the trumpet, especially after the use by others. There are considered excessive, there are indeed felt the need for the former saliva others is disgusting. How is the view of the doctor?

"The precautionary principle must be so (wipe). Normally it is a lot of germs in the human mouth," said Dr. Burhan Erlina, MSc, SPP (K), expert control tuberculosis (TB or TB) of Lung Friendship Hospital.

Although recognizes many germs in saliva and sputum blots, recognized by Dr. Erlina that not everything can cause disease. Not to worry, most of the bacteria are harmless as long as the immune system in good condition.

Likewise, the TB germs, Dr Erlina says that transmission is by air and not by residual saliva on the end of a trumpet. Therefore, the information that it deems excessive horn tip.

Concerns related to the risk of transmitting germs through the trumpet does not just show up at every celebration of the new year. At the World Cup football party in South Africa in 2010 ago, trumpet Vuvuzela also mentioned could spread the disease.

Not just spreading the germs of tuberculosis, at that time also feared Vuvuzela can spread the flu virus or other germs when blown. Once inflatable, reportedly Vuvuzela could squirt saliva (which could have been contaminated with germs) with a speed of 4 million drops per second.

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