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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hirschsprung Disease

Hirschsprung Disease - Hirschsprung disease is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with the disposal of excreta. Hirschsprung disease occurs at birth (congenital) caused by the loss of nerve cells in the muscles most infant gut.

Children with Hirschsprung disease often constipated. In severe cases, children are born with bowel problems and developmental delays can not have a bowel movement.

It is unclear what causes Hirschsprung disease, but according to some doctors Hirschsprung's disease occurs when nerve cells surrounding the colon is not fully formed.

Signs and symptoms may vary with the severity of disease conditions. Sometimes symptoms appear right after the baby is born or may not show up until the age of the children.

In newborns, signs may include:
1. Failure to defecate on the first or second day of life
2. Vomiting, including vomiting green or brown substance
3. Constipation or bloating, which can make babies fussy
4. Diarrhea

In children, signs may include:
1. Swelling of the abdomen
2. Constipation
3. Bloating
4. Lack of weight
5. Fatigue

Hirschsprung disease is treated with surgery to remove part of the intestine that has no ganglia cells. The remaining part of the colon and rectum were joined, so that waste out of the body normally.

Source: MayoClinic

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