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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Respiratory Health Hazards for Humans Sulfur [Part 1]

Respiratory Health Hazards for Humans Sulfur - Diesel fuel sulfur content is known to be needed. Sulfur is used in the diesel fuel, fuel to prevent detonation or pre-DetoNation before diesel fuel into the combustion chamber.

However, the sulfur content is too high or are at levels above 3,500 parts per million / ppm, can cause the crust in a diesel engine. Crust produced by sulfur, not only will occur in the combustion chamber, but will also occur in the fuel injector.

Sulfur in diesel fuel, URLs contained lead in gasoline. So that sulfur is also very dangerous for human health.

Crust that occurs due to excessive sulfur will cause incomplete combustion. Incomplete combustion is, obviously would greatly interfere with breathing humans. The dangers of high levels of pollution on human life and health. Iran has been proven by the State which is the State's highest air polluters in the world.

In the early 2013's, educational activities and business in Tehran paralyzed for three days due to smog pollution. Closure order business as well as education of the Governor issued and is valid until Saturday, January 5, 2013 ago. Closure activities in Tehran is the second time that is imposed by the city.

The closure of this activity is certainly a long tail of air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels is not perfect. This decision forced enforced, though it will result in the life and economy of Tehran. However, it is applied to reduce the pollution that threatens public health Tehran.


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