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Monday, December 17, 2012

Donor Fecal For Health [Part 1]

Donor Fecal For Health - Sperm bank and blood bank was commonly heard. But what if the bank stool? Yes, feces in the bank it will be used to treat patients with severe pain.

"This is already happening in America," said Professor Thomas Borony, Director of the Centre for Digestive Diseases, Friday (14/12/2012).

"It's just there waiting for FDA approval. Donor feces Today Australia in Australia is only in one place, but there will be a selected group 'Super Donor', people who were never exposed to antibiotics as a child, thin and healthy, who can donate the stool, "says Professor Thomas.

"It's only a matter of time before donors are becoming more common., And eventually, we hope all hospitals will screen, freeze feces and can be used in an emergency," he said.

Then stools that will be used for what? Fecal transplants could dimikrobiota (faecal Microbiota transplantations / FMT). This condition occurs when feces of healthy people were taken and transferred to the sick in the stomach.

Simply put, feces put into blender with saline (salt water), and poured into a syringe. Patients were then given a sick human feces through colonoscopy, which is done through the buttocks.

Transplantation is used to treat conditions such as inflammatory bowel berbakteri bowel, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Clostridium difficile, or C. diff - infection that causes diarrhea so severe that it kills thousands of people every year.


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