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Monday, December 17, 2012

Resolution Health 2013 [Part 2]

2. More Often Cooking Fresh Food

All Body Disease - If you do not just want to be healthy, but also want to lose weight, then you have to promise yourself to cook your own meals. For raw materials, choose the raw materials such as food products are fresh. Especially the types of vegetables.

3. Run

To lose weight and health memproleh of sports activities, you do not need to visit a gym. All you have to do is walk more often. Try to walk at least 40 minutes every day. More often is better.

You can do this activity by way of a walk with your family.

4. Remove the Scales

Maybe you think you need a balance to maintain and measure your health through weight loss. But in fact, the numbers are not the important thing. Because the important thing is what your body really feels. You will not focus on the long-term fitness, if you continue to focus on the numbers on the scales. It would be much better if you focus to remain active and healthy every day.

5. Go Out

The easiest way to make sure you move the other was enjoying the fresh air. It could be raining or hot out there, but do not make it an excuse. Take time also to do outdoor activities such as visiting parks, forests nearby, or go up the mountain. Fresh air is good for your mood and your health.

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